


文章来源:国际部 作者:国际部 发布时间:2014年06月03日 点击数:866 字号:










  文学大师冰心曾说:“成功的花,人们惊羡她现时的明艳!然而当初她的芽儿,浸透着奋斗的泪泉,洒遍了牺牲的血雨。” 我坚信,你们的青春会因你们的不懈努力而绚烂,老师和家长会因你们的身心健康成长而感到欣慰和自豪,学校会因为你们所取得的成绩而增添光彩!  祝全体师生下半学期各方面都取得更大的进步! 谢谢!                                                                                            


Hey, nice to see everyone here, just like a big family party!

Can u give me the answer: What can really make people grow?

For me, the answer is simple, love, effort and time!

Let me share my story with you, nothing big, just a true story. When I was in your age, no matter in primary, in junior or in senior, my mathematic was always terrible. And just like every family, the people who care about you, will show their concern. My relatives helped me to find a good tutor, they also teach my parents to push me forward and keep asking ‘how about your mathematics coming along?’ in every occasions we met.

Guess what, after about four years special care and tutoring, my love for and ability in mathematics is still not strong but the extra work means I did not fail. What I’m trying to impress is that even if you don’t like a subject or you are not very good at it, you should try harder to succeed. Failure is not an option ‘nor is sleeping.

On the other hand, most amazingly, my English was picked up in a natural and casual way because it seems I have a talent for language.

There was one time, my relatives that lived abroad, come to Shantou which is my hometown, to pay a visit to us all. While the family was having dinner, all of us, all 30 of us, there was a big problem. The children from abroad could not talk to anyone, because they hadn’t learnt my hometown dialect or Manadrin while in the other country. I had to talk to them in English from what I’d learnt from in Senior one, because I didn’t want them to feel like they were not included at that moment. The following week it was me who was responsible to take them around Shantou, during this time I got a passion for English. Then, through hard work, and some raw talent, at school I improved my English which meant by the time I got to university I could work part time in an English training center and went trade fair in Guangzhou every year in autumn to be a translator. This has lead to me now being in Beijing for 6 years and, as you know, I am an English teacher here. I know my English still needs to improve and get better, my teaching skills as well but with effort and time I know this will happen.

If I didn’t have curiosity or passion when I learnt English, or did not trust my instinct, I might not be here today. If my parents and teachers did not show me love and understanding through those times, I might be lost.

The real meaning for education is to improve yourselves to be the best you can be. No need to compete with others, just face yourself honestly and better yourself. You are the only person who can prevent yourself achieving. Today in Bacui, you have chance to talk with any teachers and make clear what you really want in the future. Just embrace this opportunity, make good use of your time, trust your instincts and be the best you can be!









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