

文章来源:国际部 作者:国际部 发布时间:2014年12月15日 点击数:795 字号:





Mr. Kay

Hello everyone. I’ve been asked to say a few words this afternoon and hopefully encourage and motivate you to continue to achieve.

What I want to do with this speech is make you think about how you can become, or continue to be, successful. What I don’t want to do, is give you the impression that there is an easy route to success. There isn’t. But there are a few things you’ll need to do to be successful. Success is something that everybody can achieve, that everybody is entitled to and everybody can experience regardless of age, gender, nationality or ability. But, and it’s a big but, you must follow some very basic rules.

I am from an extremely small, deprived town in the North East of England called Hartlepool. In the last 30 years, Hartlepool has lost is Steel Mill, its shipyards, its main businesses and its hospital. And yet, here I stand. Having earned a degree, a teaching qualification and having travelled half of the world to be a teacher in Beijing, I consider myself and the majority of my friends to be successful. I’ll not pretend that I am successful at everything I do or that I proclaim to be some sort of oracle, but I have been lucky enough to meet some extraordinary and exceptional people who have given me the advice I’m now going to share with you now.

Firstly, you need belief. You must believe that you can be successful or you’re wasting your time. Those who think they can and those who think they can’t are both usually right. If you want something bad enough, you will succeed.

Remember to stay positive. If you let yourself become consumed by failure, you will always fail. If you focus on your goals and keep working, you will (eventually) succeed. You will pass your exams, you will get your dream job, and you will succeed. But you must stay focused on your goal.

Take risks. You must take risks. You can’t always win, but don’t be afraid of making decisions. Risks are an important part of becoming an adult and finding out the person you want to become. Don’t ever get to a point where you look back and think ‘I wish I had done that differently’. 

The key to getting where you want to be will always be hard work. If you are prepared to work priorities and make sacrifices you will do well. There are a lot of people in this room and in this school who have made sacrifices to be here, people from all over the world who haven’t seen their families and friends in a long time. It is difficult to make sacrifices, but if you make the right ones, you will succeed.

Looking around this room, I can see people who can speak 2, 3 or even 4 languages. I can see people who are intelligent, charismatic, people who work hard and people who make sacrifices. I have been enormously impressed with the work I have seen from the happy, gifted children I have taught and heard about from other staff.

In nearing the half way stage of the year, I would like to say congratulations on your achievements so far and I would ask you to forget about any failures or moments when you felt you could have done better. I would ask you to focus on improving yourself and those around you and to do this until the end of the year.

If you’re sitting, listening and thinking, ‘I’m not capable of succeeding’ ask for help. There is always someone who can help you to achieve. Ask a friend, ask a teacher, ask a parent, ask the internet (!), but ask someone! And listen, because there is always someone else you can benefit from. If you’re sitting, listening and thinking, ‘What is he talking about?’ I would say to you that I am exactly where I want to be in my life because I have followed the steps I have discussed today and I know each one of you can achieve more than you think. Remember; those who think they can, and those who think they can’t, are both usually right.

Thank you for listening and all the best for the rest of the year.


Mr. Hurdsfield

Hello everyone.

I look around me and I see students from 6 very different countries and teachers from England, America, Canada, Australia, The Philippines and China. This diversity is one of Bacui’s major strengths. We all bring something different and exciting to the table. Together we are Bacui and together we will grow this school. Change is afoot and we all have a part to play. Today I’m going to talk to you about the importance of not being afraid to make mistakes.

Students, it is your job to make the most of every lesson you are given and the expertise of your teachers. A famous politician in the United Kingdom once said that he loved learning but didn’t much like being taught. Everybody at times struggles with being told what to do, I know I do. We as teachers try our hardest to not only teach you the knowledge you need for your exams but also to prepare you for the world outside. A world that currently doesn’t exist.  You are very privileged to not only gain a good Chinese education but also an international one. You are going to grow into young adults without borders. This is quite a responsibility, people will look to you for answers and you may have to show courage in the face of adversity. You will have to be honest and admit when you are wrong. These are all life skills that you get to learn and practice at Bacui. You will make mistakes and that is ok; nobody ever learns anything new without making mistakes. Your job is to make sure that you learn from these mistakes; you must own up and take responsibility for your actions. I had a student in my last school who was going through a difficult time. His behavior was getting worse and his grades were dropping. One day he decided to throw a stone at a bus breaking its windscreen. He was arrested by the police and was facing criminal charges. Being his form teacher I went to the police station with him. We sat in silence for about 30 minutes until he broke down and said, “I’m Sorry”. I replied with, “Why did you do it?” He sat and thought for a while. His response was that he didn’t know but felt like everything was now ruined. He felt like there was no way back. 6 months later he got his GCSE results and achieved as in every subject. The key to his success was that he was honest about his problems, he had courage in facing the problems and he had learnt from his mistake. I have a lot of respect for that young man. He is now studying medicine at a university in London and doing very well.

The moral of the story is that making mistakes is vital and learning from them is even more important. Use your time here effectively and learn as much as you possibly can to prepare yourself for your future.

After all, a great Greek philosopher stated that education is the skills you remember after you have forgotten everything that you learnt in school.









来到拔萃工作后,正如当初蒋校长对我说的那样:“当你走进拔萃,你会发现这里是一片崭新的天空,在这里你会学到很多东西,只要你肯学,终有一天你就会超越自己。” 我很庆幸能在这温馨和谐的氛围里,与大家同行。在这里希望自己可以一直努力下去。也希望大家可以开心每一天。



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