
精彩纷呈 尽显本色——国际部积极开展“拔萃杯”教学大赛活动


文章来源:国际部 作者:国际部 发布时间:2010年04月11日 点击数:987 字号:

精彩纷呈 尽显本色——国际部积极开展“拔萃杯”教学大赛活动

   International Department held its second-round seminar on demonstration classes on April 1st in the school library. Principal Jiang, Director Xiao and all the English teachers from International Department attended the workshop. After watching four demonstration classes given by Gina, Yolanda, Ms Chen and Vivian, English teachers actively expressed their own opinions at the meeting.

   Yolanda had her math demonstration class in Primary Level 3 and 4 on March 25th. She organized the whole class in good order and all the pupils formed a good habit of learning. Her logical way of teaching had a great influence on the students and all of them made progress step by step.

   Gina demonstrated her English class in Primary Level 2 in the 8th period the same day. Principal Wan also observed her class. The topic of her lesson was Weather Forecast. Her passion and enthusiasm made the atmosphere of the whole class extremely active. Her strategic way of teaching the new grammar-- simple future tense encouraged all the pupils to participate in the class attentively.

   Vivian held her demonstration class in Senior Grade 1 on March 29th. Her beautiful pronunciation set a good example to senior students. In her reading class, all the students learned a great deal of geographical knowledge of Canada and Canadian culture and students’ comprehension abilities were greatly improved by practicing reading, listening and speaking skills.

   Ms Chen’s spoken Chinese lesson in HSK class opened on March 30th. As an experienced Chinese teacher, she motivated the senior students to open their mouths and speak Chinese bravely. Her elegance and amiable temperament held a strong connection between her and her students. After class, all of her students said unanimously that they loved their Chinese teacher very much!

   By observing demonstration classes and discussing strengths and weaknesses of each lesson, all the teachers in International Department learned a lot from each other. Principal Jiang also emphasized on how to create teaching wisdom to sort out unexpected issues so as to enhance the students’ learning outcomes.

   Bearing clear teaching objectives in mind, all the teachers in International Department are advocated to achieve high teaching efficiency by fully applying effective teaching techniques.

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