


文章来源:国际部 作者:国际部 发布时间:2010年05月26日 点击数:1,119 字号:







   The International Department Held Its 2009/2010 Second Semester Mid-term Examination Award Ceremony

   The International Department held its mid-term examination award ceremony on May 20th in the school library. Principal Wan Xiaoping, Directors from both Chinese section and English section, all the teachers and students took part in this ceremony. Students who had made great progress during the past half of this semester were rewarded with certificates and prizes.

   The atmosphere of the meeting was extremely active and there were smiling faces everywhere. The host Nathan from English section and hostess Arejia from Chinese section started the meeting in their standard English and fluent Chinese.

   Director Xiao Li, Director Zhang Yongfu and Vice Director Xia Yuejie presented the prizes to students and the excellent students’ representatives made speeches to exchange their ideas of study and expressed gratitude to dear teachers. Meanwhile the teachers’ representatives made attractive speeches to communicate with the students.

   Finally, in Principal Wan’s speech, he congratulated the progress the students made and set higher standards for all the international students. He wished the rewarded students to study harder and make more progress. He also expressed the hope that other students must try to learn from the good examples around them and make more efforts. By working hard, more and more students would be able to achieve excellences in the future!




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