


文章来源:国际部 作者:国际部 发布时间:2010年11月02日 点击数:1,587 字号:

Halloween——“万圣节”又称鬼节,是一些英语国家古老的节日之一。现今,它已成为世界各地非常受欢迎的节日。庆祝万圣节,不仅可以让学生们投入地感受英语文化,更能激发学生对英语学习的兴趣。10月29日上午,万圣节的激情与快乐提前走进了北京拔萃双语学校国际部小学生的心里。我们举办了一个神秘的Halloween Party,孩子们在过节的同时享受打闹嬉戏的乐趣和团结合作的愉快,更让他们体验到师生间互动的快乐!在这浓浓的节日气氛中随处可见师生自己动手制作的南瓜灯,南瓜糖袋,学生们穿上可爱又怪异的服装,献上精彩的庆祝节目,又在活动中收获大量糖果。下面是我们派对的一些照片,快来一起分享吧!


Halloween 2010 

 On the last Friday of October, level 1 to 4 students adopted the traditionally
American festival Halloween and created their own Halloween Party. Wondering
around the hallways of Bacui international section on this special day were
angels adorning tiaras, witches and warlocks in shimmering pointy hats,
princesses wearing beautiful dresses, pirates with their eye patch,
a policemen and even a Bright yellow tweety bird! Students first changed
into their Halloween Costumes and then rotated through three different
activities. First was Pumpkin Golf (thanks to one of our international
teachers who lovingly carved from real pumpkins). Students were given a
broomstick and a ping pong ball and they had to hit the ping pong ball
into the mouth of the pumpkin. It is not as easy as it sounds, as virtually
no one succeeded! Students then went onto the pi?atas (filled with delicious
lollies) and lastly had a storytelling and a mask painting activity!
Students also participated in a treasure hunt which involved pace and wit.
Students were split up into teams and they had to locate the hidden
treasure through answering various clues, such as ‘This is a good place to
have some quiet reading’. These clues took them all around the school, to
different rooms, up and down stairs looking for that final elusive treasure.
When the treasure was found, the students split the treats with their
classmates. The finale was the intense balloon popping game! It
involved 100 balloons and lots of running! Two balloons were tied to each
of the student’s legs, and when the music started the students had to try
and not only pop the balloons tied on their teammate’s legs, but at the
same time protect their own. It involved lots of squealing and laughter.
The day ended with a loud bang! Thank you to all the hard work that the teachers put in (in particularl
y blowing up the balloons, carving the pumpkins, organizing the treats
and carving the pumpkins) to organise this event and for the parents
who prepared the costumes for the special day. Trick or Treat! Happy Halloween! A wizard, A Dracula, 2 angels and a princess.. Waiting for lollies! Waiting patiently for the music to start! POP! Trick or Treat! Did we say Thank you?



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