我校国际部小学英文课程班六年学生参加英国剑桥大学国际考试中心组织的全球 checkpoint 英语和数学考试,三位学生英语和数学均获满分,一位学生英语和数学获"极好"评价。
Four Primary 6 students sat in the Cambridge Primary Checkpoint English and Mathematics Examinations on the 18th and 25th of April. They did extremely well. Three students received “Excellent” score in English and also Mathematics (full scores in Math), one student received “very good”.
Congratulations to these hard working students and their teachers!
上一篇:国际部:汉语部学生公益活动[ 06-19 ]
下一篇:国际部双证书班举办项目设计陈述活动[ 06-26 ]